
Biden Bungles Fentanyl Facts, Bolts for Vacation as WH Scrambles!

Joe Biden had a busy day…oh wait, just kidding, he only had one event on his schedule. And what was this event, you might ask? Well, Biden wanted to discuss the “progress” his administration was supposedly making in solving the fentanyl crisis. As if we’re supposed to believe anything this guy says.

Let’s start with the fact that the fentanyl problem is partially Biden’s own fault for failing to secure the border. The man can’t even handle basic border control, so how can we trust him to handle a major drug crisis? And don’t even get us started on his cluelessness about China’s involvement in the fentanyl trade. He lifted sanctions on a blacklisted lab in exchange for some empty promises from Xi. It’s like thanking an arsonist for starting a fire!

But that’s not the only gaffe Biden made during his little speech. He actually called on Congress to make fentanyl a “Schedule 1 drug.” Now, for those who don’t know, that would mean fentanyl couldn’t be used for its legitimate medical purposes. Brilliant idea, Joe. Fentanyl is currently a Schedule II drug, which means it can be prescribed by doctors. But hey, who needs doctors when you have Joe Biden deciding what’s best for us?

Of course, the White House was quick to clean up Biden’s mess. They insisted that he wasn’t actually calling for a ban on fentanyl, but for Congress to make a 2018 emergency action permanent. Yeah, right. We’re supposed to believe that he didn’t misspeak, even though he was reading directly from his notes. Nice try, guys, but we’re not buying it.

And just when you think it couldn’t get any worse, Biden is off on another vacation to Nantucket. He’s staying at some billionaire’s estate, of course, because that’s what he does best – preach about the evils of billionaires while cozying up to them on his vacations. And did we mention how old and frail he looks? It’s embarrassing, especially compared to Jill, who has no problem climbing stairs while Biden struggles behind her.

But hey, why should Biden actually work when he can just take 40 percent of the time off? It’s no wonder people are questioning why he should even keep his job. If he can’t even put in the effort, then maybe it’s time for someone else to take the reins. Just a thought.

Written by Staff Reports

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