
Biden Bungles Revenge: Leaks Attack Plans to Iran, Endangers Troops

Joe Biden strikes again with another mind-numbingly stupid move. This time, he has put even more lives of our brave military volunteers at risk. Over the weekend, Iran-backed militants managed to sneak an armed drone past the US Army base’s alert system in Jordan, resulting in the deaths of three military members and the injury of dozens more.

Republicans, rightfully so, called on Biden to take action and retaliate against Iran. But we all know that Biden’s weakness in foreign affairs is no secret. After all, he has no military experience, and his disdain for the military is well-known among the Washington elite. Plus, the fact that he’s 81 years old and acts even older doesn’t exactly inspire confidence in his ability to handle national security matters.

Who can forget the heartbreaking scene at the Kabul airport during the botched Afghan troop withdrawal, where Biden was caught repeatedly checking his watch as the bodies of fallen soldiers were unloaded? It was a clear display of his lack of respect for the sacrifices made by our brave men and women in uniform.

And let’s not forget his disastrous decisions when it comes to energy independence and border security. By ending US energy independence and opening up the southern border, Biden has allowed millions of illegal immigrants, including individuals from China and Europe, to infiltrate and embed themselves in our country. It’s clear that his actions are not in the best interest of the American people.

But now, with the recent attack in Jordan, Biden had to appear to do something. In typical Biden fashion, it took him quite some time to make a decision. And when he finally did, he made the egregious mistake of publicly releasing a list of potential targets for retaliation against Iran.

Yes, you read that right. The President of the United States intentionally alerted Iran, the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, to the details of his attack plans. This move not only puts our highly-trained military personnel at risk but also gives the enemy enough time to hide their assets and escape unscathed. It’s nothing more than a pathetic PR stunt.

It’s clear that Biden’s actions have political motivations. He’s always scheming for some sort of advantage or monetary gain. It’s all about political power for him, with little concern for the safety and security of our nation.

Sadly, this is just another example of a president who lacks the leadership and judgment necessary to keep our country safe. It’s a shame that we are stuck with someone like Biden in the White House until 2029, but it’s up to us, the American people, to hold him accountable and demand better from our leaders.

Written by Staff Reports

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