
Biden Bust: 62% Live Paycheck to Paycheck Under Crushing Economy

In President Joe Biden’s America, the majority of hardworking Americans are struggling to make ends meet, proving that “Bidenomics” has done little to help the average citizen. A recent study by LendingClub has revealed that a staggering 62 percent of adults are living paycheck to paycheck, a significant increase from just a few months ago. This alarming statistic underscores the deep-seated financial woes facing the American people under Biden’s leadership.

What’s more, the study found that even individuals with super-prime credit scores are not immune to the financial strain, with 40 percent of those living paycheck to paycheck falling into this category. Additionally, a startling 57 percent of credit card owners are finding themselves in the same boat, struggling to stay afloat in the current economic climate.

As the holiday season rolls around, Americans are expected to set new spending records, potentially reaching a whopping $966.6 billion, despite the fact that credit card debt has already surpassed $1 trillion. This reckless overspending is further evidenced by a TD Bank survey, in which 96 percent of shoppers admitted to expecting to overspend. It’s clear that the Biden economy has done little to alleviate the financial burdens facing hardworking Americans.

In stark contrast, a Wall Street Journal poll has shown that a plurality of Americans believe that former President Donald Trump’s economic policies directly benefited them. A resounding 49 percent of voters confessed to feeling the positive impacts of Trump’s policies, while a mere 23 percent could say the same for Biden’s. This stark difference speaks volumes about the effectiveness of the two administrations’ economic approaches.

Even prominent Democrats are expressing concern about Biden’s waning popularity and the underwhelming impact of his economic policies. David Axelrod, a well-known figure in the Democratic party, expressed his worry about the public’s perception of Biden’s performance, highlighting the potential for voters to become disillusioned with the current administration.

It’s crystal clear that “Bidenomics” has fallen far short of delivering on its promises to the American people. With concerns about financial stability and growing disillusionment with Biden’s leadership, it’s no wonder that more and more citizens are questioning the effectiveness of the current administration’s policies. If things continue down this rocky path, it’s anyone’s guess how the future will unfold under Biden’s watch.

Written by Staff Reports

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