
Biden Busted: Denies Shady Son Ties, Bank Records Say Otherwise

In a stunning turn of events, President Joe Biden’s denial of having any interaction with his son’s foreign business associates has been vehemently contested by a former business associate of Hunter Biden. During a recent press conference, Biden dismissed the allegations as “a bunch of lies.” But it seems there is more to the story than meets the eye.

According to a source close to the matter, President Biden’s claim is nothing more than “complete malarkey.” The source insists that there is plenty of evidence to challenge Biden’s denial of involvement in his son’s business dealings. And boy, oh boy, does this revelation shake things up!

The House Oversight Committee recently dropped a bombshell by revealing subpoenaed bank records that show Hunter Biden’s business entity, Owasco P.C., was making direct monthly payments to none other than President Biden himself. Well, well, well, looks like the President’s previous assertions about keeping a wall between his official duties and his family’s shady dealings just went up in smoke!

Now, let’s talk conflicts of interest, shall we? This bombshell revelation raises serious questions about the integrity of our President. James Comer (R-KY) hit the nail on the head when he called out President Biden’s previous false claim about an “absolute wall” between his duties and his family’s influence peddling schemes. We, the hardworking Americans, deserve transparency and honesty from our leaders, not shady business dealings.

Eric Schwerin, known for his close association with Hunter Biden, comes to the forefront in this unraveling scandal. As a business partner and manager of Hunter’s finances, Schwerin played a significant role in their overseas business dealings. But it doesn’t stop there. Schwerin was also involved in handling the financial matters of none other than Joe Biden himself. Oh boy, we’re going deep into the rabbit hole now!

According to a knowledgeable source, Schwerin was responsible for managing President Biden’s personal finances and even liaised with his team for tax preparation. The source also suggests that regular interactions between Schwerin and Joe Biden, along with his principal advisors, almost certainly involved discussions about their questionable business activities. The Bidens’ web of secrecy is starting to unravel faster than a ball of yarn in the hands of a mischievous kitten!

President Biden’s response to these mounting allegations was dismissive and vague. “I’m not going to comment on it… I did not. It was just a bunch of lies,” Biden adamantly stated, shutting down any further questions. But come on, Mr. President, we deserve better. Your feeble attempts to brush off these serious allegations only deepen our concerns and doubts.

The House Oversight Committee’s investigation has revealed that these were not mere personal transactions from Hunter Biden’s account but payments from a corporate entity that received funds from various sources, including China. That’s right, folks – we’ve got China in the mix! And let’s not forget the ongoing Department of Justice investigation into Hunter Biden for tax evasion and other serious offenses. The plot thickens.

But wait, there’s more! Whistleblower testimony and a federal judge’s rejection of a proposed plea deal further point to a murky cover-up attempt by the Justice Department to protect the Bidens. Oh, how the mighty have fallen! The Bidens’ empire built on dirty deals and questionable transactions is crumbling before our very eyes.

When pressed about these allegations, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre abruptly ended a press conference, claiming she had not seen the report. It seems the White House is running scared, unwilling to face the truth and provide the American people with the answers we deserve.

Folks, these revelations should give us all pause. We elected Joe Biden to be our leader, to uphold the highest standards of integrity. But it seems there are skeletons in his closet, and they’re starting to spill out. It’s high time we hold our leaders accountable and demand the truth. The American people deserve better – better than a bunch of lies and a web of corruption.

Written by Staff Reports

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