
Biden Busted: Ex-Hubby Exposes Alleged Story Theft Habit!

In a truly bizarre turn of events, it appears that President Joe Biden may have a habit of stealing personal anecdotes. And who better to accuse him than his very own ex-husband of First Lady Jill Biden? Move over, Shakespeare, because this is some real drama!

According to the New York Post, the ex-hubby, Bill Stevenson, spilled the tea during a recent interview. He claimed that back in 1972, when Biden was vying for a Senate seat, he visited Stevenson’s nightclub. Over some drinks, Stevenson shared a hilarious story about his mom asking his prep-school football coach why the game schedule was in the women’s bathroom. The coach’s response was as witty as it was cheeky, saying, “No disrespect, but that’s where our schedule belongs: in the ladies’ room.”

Now here’s where the plot thickens. When Biden met the club’s bouncers, who were all football players, Stevenson claims he witnessed something truly astonishing. Biden allegedly proceeded to steal Stevenson’s story and shamelessly pass it off as his own! Talk about audacity! Stevenson claims to have stared at Biden, spinning in shock as the president-elect pretended like the anecdote was plucked straight from his own treasure trove of memories. Stevenson couldn’t help but think to himself, “This must be what politicians are like.” And boy, oh boy, was he right!

But the drama doesn’t stop there, my dear readers. According to the ex-husband, this incident only served as a sneak peek into Joe Biden’s penchant for plagiarism. Stevenson remarked, “People are only now starting to think that something is wrong with Joe, but back then, I saw the roots of his plagiarism.” He even admitted that he thought Biden was a charming fellow at the time. Oh, the naivety of youth!

Not content with just one interview, Stevenson also chatted with Newsmax, a beacon of truth and justice in a sea of liberal bias. In this interview, he discussed his new book titled “The Bidens: The Early Years.” Can’t wait to read that masterpiece!

Now, I must say, this alleged pattern of plagiarism comes as no surprise. Biden has been caught stealing phrases before. Fox News even reported that during the 1988 presidential race, he plagiarized a speech by British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock, causing him to drop out. It seems like old habits die hard.

And just when you thought it couldn’t get any juicier, the Post revealed that during his DNC acceptance speech in 2020, Biden included lines originally spoken by Canadian politician Jack Layton. Is there no end to this man’s pilfering ways?

In conclusion, dear readers, it appears that President Biden has a penchant for appropriating other people’s stories and phrases. While some may call it plagiarism, I prefer to see it as his own unique form of creative expression. After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? But let’s not forget, this is just one more piece of evidence that confirms what we conservatives have known all along: Biden may be in the Oval Office, but he’s far from original.

Written by Staff Reports

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