
Biden BUSTED! Hunter’s Lawyer Exposes Million-Dollar Foreign Income Lies

Well, well, well, folks, it looks like President Joe Biden has some explaining to do. Remember when Sleepy Joe confidently declared, right on the debate stage with our beloved former President Donald Trump, that his son Hunter hadn’t made a single penny from foreign countries? Yeah, that was a pretty bold claim. But guess what? Hunter’s lawyer, Chris Clark, spilled the beans in court and debunked those lies faster than Joe can stumble through a sentence.

According to our friends at Breitbart News, Hunter Biden didn’t just make some pocket change from foreign countries, he made over a whopping $1 million. And guess where a big chunk of that cash came from? You guessed it – China! We all know how cozy Hunter has been with the Chinese Communist Party, and now we have concrete proof that he raked in around $664,000 from a Chinese infrastructure investment company. Talk about being in bed with the enemy.

But wait, there’s more! Hunter’s lawyer also revealed that he hauled in millions from his involvement with Burisma Holdings, that Ukrainian energy company that allegedly bribed ol’ Joe when he was Vice President. Hunter cashed in on a sweet deal, serving on the board of Burisma and a Chinese private equity fund while also negotiating lucrative contracts that paid him millions. I guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree when it comes to questionable business dealings.

And let’s not forget the little detour to Romania. That’s right, the Biden family’s foreign revenue streams don’t stop at just China and Ukraine, folks. Hunter managed to find some cash flow there too. It’s like these foreign countries couldn’t resist the irresistible charm of the Biden family. Or maybe it’s just the irresistible allure of buying influence – who knows?

Now, I don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but doesn’t all this raise some serious red flags? The Biden family is already under congressional investigation for potential influence-peddling, and with each new revelation, calls to impeach President Biden grow louder and more credible. Even our esteemed Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, has voiced his interest in digging deeper into this mess.

Friends, it’s time for Joe Biden to come clean and be held accountable. He lied to the American people about his family’s foreign income, and now the truth is out. The level of corruption and potential bribery is staggering, and it’s high time we demand answers. We deserve a leader who is honest, transparent, and not entangled in shady international business dealings.

Let’s hope the truth prevails and justice is served. And for Joe Biden, well, maybe he should stick to fewer tall tales and focus on being a leader that the American people can trust. But hey, I won’t hold my breath.

Written by Staff Reports

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