
Biden Busted in Donor Favoritism Scandal, Skirts the Rules

The media is buzzing about President Joe Biden’s latest controversial move, and surprise, surprise – it’s not getting nearly enough attention! The POTUS has been caught red-handed changing the rules for White House tours for his biggest donors. And who does he turn to for advice? His lawyers! Did he realize the rules were different for regular folks? The leftist Axios conveniently failed to point out that Biden’s previous tour tactics may have been breaking the law! It’s the classic case of the “do as I say, not as I do” syndrome.

Apparently, Biden has been hosting these fancy-schmancy tours for his wealthy supporters in the past, but now, on the advice of his legal team, he’s following “clear restrictions” and confining these guests to certain areas of the White House. Oh, how generous of him! The move is supposedly aimed at reassuring these wealthy donors who may have been feeling a bit queasy about Biden’s chances against former President Donald Trump in the upcoming 2024 election. With COVID lockdowns preventing large gatherings during the first half of his term, it’s no wonder the big Dem donors were feeling a bit left out in the cold.

But hold up, folks! There’s more. According to the experts, only certain parts of the mansion can be used for campaign purposes. The whole thing is governed by the Hatch Act, which lays down the law on elected officials getting their campaign on. But, hey, don’t worry, Biden’s team claims to take all the rules super seriously. And they should be proud of that, right?

And as if that wasn’t enough, the President has been caught holding meetings with his donors just before the holidays to address their concerns about his age and energy. And to think that they say money can’t buy happiness! The Washington Post was on the case and reported that Biden had been trying to assure his donors that he’s still got what it takes to run the show for another four years. Now, that’s a tough sell, if you ask the 77% of respondents in an AP poll who thought he might be too old for the job. But wait, the same poll also found that 51% felt the same about Trump. Inconceivable!

Now, the big question on everyone’s mind: will Biden be the Democratic presidential nominee in 2024? The people have spoken, and they’re not holding back. Three-quarters of the voters said, “No way, Jose!” But don’t count your chickens before they hatch, because you never know what kind of shenanigans the leftists and the elites will pull to try and take away our beloved electoral process. If we’re not careful, these power-hungry maniacs will pull the wool over our eyes, and we might not even have a real say in 2024.

The Western Journal, where this hard-hitting truth is reported, needs your help to keep runnin’ and gunnin’, exposin’ the big bad lies and fightin’ for our beloved country. With your support, we’ll continue to bring the real news to millions of Americans and keep up the good fight against the lefties and the Big Tech bullies. The 2024 election is the game-changer, and we gotta unite to save our country! So, what do you say, patriot? Will you stand with us? Every penny counts, so don’t wait another second!

Written by Staff Reports

Biden Plays Favorites: Big Donors Get Backdoor Access to Oval Office

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