
Biden Busted: VP Role Exploited for Family Gains, New Transcripts Expose All!

Joe Biden has been caught in yet another lie as new transcripts released by the House Ways and Means Committee reveal that he was not only aware of his son’s foreign business dealings but actively participated in them. As the transcript reveals, Hunter Biden berated a Chinese foreigner and invoked the wrath of his father, who was sitting right next to him as he made the call. This new evidence proves that the Bidens worked together to lock down lucrative deals by wielding the power of Joe’s position as Vice President.

The transcripts reveal a WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden to Henry Zhao, where he wrote: “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment made has not been fulfilled.” The evidence clearly shows that Joe Biden was aware of what was going on and had even threatened retribution if Hunter’s directions weren’t followed. It’s a clear conflict of interest, and one that Joe Biden has consistently denied.

The whistleblower on this situation was Gary Shapley, who was on the IRS team that investigated Hunter Biden’s tax evasion. He was present during the call and said that it was clear that the investigation needed to go further, particularly with regards to the Bidens’ Delaware home. This home is where Joe Biden kept classified information in the garage, right next to his corvette. Hunter had regular access to this information and even brought paid female escorts to the home.

The evidence against the Bidens is mounting, with emails found on Hunter Biden’s laptop revealing that he asked for additional office keys to be made for his business partners, which included his father. There were also dozens of meetings that took place, further proving that the Bidens were using Joe’s position for personal gain. It’s a despicable abuse of power, and one that cannot be ignored.

The American people deserve answers about these corrupt dealings, and it’s time for Joe Biden to come clean about his involvement. It’s clear that he’s been lying about his knowledge of the situation, and it’s time for him to be held accountable for his actions. The Bidens may have thought they were above the law, but the evidence is clear: they’re just as corrupt as any other political family.

Source: Townhall

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