
Biden Calls in Obama & Clinton as Dems Panic Over 2024

The Democrats are wringing their hands and ringing up Barack Obama and Bill Clinton for backup, and it’s not because everything’s peachy keen in the left lane. Nope, it’s a big, blinking neon sign that says, “Uh-oh, we’re in trouble!” The Dems are getting desperate, y’all, because the political ground has shifted and they need some heavy hitters to prop up ol’ Joe Biden on the campaign trail.

See, the 2024 showdown is shaping up to be a base election, and while Trump’s got his base locked and loaded, Biden’s base is looking as shaky as a Jenga tower after a few rounds of shots. The Obama coalition that once had Biden’s back? Well, let’s just say it’s seen better days. Now, the Dems are scooping up Obama and Clinton like last week’s sale items at the grocery store, hoping they can sprinkle some magic dust on Biden’s “Build Back Better” brouhaha.

But here’s the kicker: Biden’s political prowess is about as elusive as a unicorn in Central Park. The guy couldn’t win a national election on his own steam, and he’s still riding the coattails of a pandemic straight into the Oval Office. If that’s not a head-scratcher, I don’t know what is. And hey, speaking of head-scratchers, let’s not forget the cozy connections the Biden bunch allegedly has with Beijing, courtesy of a certain son named Hunter. It’s like China’s gift-wrapped the White House for the Dems, and they’re all too happy to accept.

Now, we’ve got these two former Dem bigwigs, both with more popularity than a basket of puppies, swooping in to raise a cool $25 million for Biden. But hold onto your hats, folks, because it’s also serving up a steaming hot plate of Biden’s vulnerability. The guy can’t seem to stand on his own two feet, whether it’s in front of the cameras or behind closed doors. So, now we’re left wondering, is this even Biden’s circus to run? Obamacare wasn’t even his claim to fame, and his legislative track record is about as barren as the Sahara.


Written by Staff Reports

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