
Biden Campaign Allegedly Scripts Radio Interview Questions

Joe Biden’s team is up to its old tricks again, folks. This time, they spoon-fed questions to a Philadelphia-based radio host before an interview aired last Thursday. Andrea Lawful-Sanders of “The Source” revealed to CNN that she received a set of pre-approved questions directly from Biden’s campaign. She cherry-picked four of the eight questions sent her way for the Q&A session, ensuring a cozy little chat.

CNN’s Victor Blackwell later pointed out that both Lawful-Sanders and another radio host, Earl Ingram from Milwaukee, asked almost identical questions. Coincidence? The Biden camp would like everyone to believe so. A spokeswoman, Lauren Hitt, rushed to defend the practice, arguing it’s standard for interviewees to share preferred topics. She insisted that the questions covered pressing news items, like Biden’s debate performance and his track record for Black Americans. And, of course, she claimed interviewers were free to ask whatever they wanted.

Freedom seems to have its limits when Biden’s handlers are in charge. This controlled environment is an obvious attempt to repair the damage from last week’s debate, where Biden’s incoherence was fully displayed. 
He’s been making the rounds, trying to convince America that he’s coherent and capable, but even in a softball interview, he managed to fumble. In a cringe-inducing moment on Lawful-Sanders’ show, Biden garbled his words, mistakenly referring to himself as the first Black vice president serving with a Black president, and somehow tied it all up with the first Black woman on the Supreme Court.

Democrats are understandably in panic mode after watching Trump bring his A-game during the debate, leaving Biden floundering. Fearing a Trump landslide on November 5, some Democratic lawmakers are jumping ship. Five House Democrats have openly called for Biden to step aside. Senator Mark Warner of Virginia reportedly rallied his peers to press the President to walk away from the race altogether.

Desperation is sinking in for Democrats as they scramble to find a viable candidate to stand up to the clear-headed, strong leadership of Donald Trump. Without a change at the top of their ticket, it looks like Trump won’t just win—he’ll win big.

Written by Staff Reports

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