
Biden Campaign Blunders With De Niro at Trump Trial Shows Disconnect from American Voters

The Biden campaign made a big mistake by bringing in Hollywood liberal Robert De Niro to speak at the Trump trial. This just proves that they are so out of touch with what the American people want. Instead of focusing on their own policies and what Biden can offer, they chose to attack Trump once again. It’s like they can’t help themselves from spreading fear about Trump being a threat to democracy.

It’s pretty ironic that they accuse Trump of being a threat to democracy when they are the ones showing up at a trial against their political opponent. They should really take a good look in the mirror before making such accusations. Even Trump supporters at the courthouse found their actions laughable.

The Biden campaign’s press conference outside the Trump trial was a complete disaster. From De Niro wearing a mask to their poor timing, they ended up violating Trump’s rights and giving him another potential issue to use against them. Their actions only further highlight how desperate they are becoming in this campaign.

It’s no wonder that people are not buying into what the Biden campaign is selling. Their antics will likely only push more people to support Trump. This kind of behavior could even supercharge Trump’s campaign and help him win more support from the American people. The Biden campaign needs to rethink their strategy if they wants to have any chance of winning over voters.

Written by Staff Reports

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