
Biden Caught Creating Fiction for Reporters – an Imaginary Tale?

In a classic case of “Pinocchio Syndrome,” President Joe Biden has been caught once again telling tall tales. This time, he claimed to have witnessed the Fern Hollow Bridge collapse in Pittsburgh last year. But wait, there’s just one little problem: Biden wasn’t even there when it happened! NBC News and CNN were quick to fact-check this fib, providing evidence that the president visited the collapse site after the bridge had already crumbled. It seems that Biden’s memory needs a tune-up.

It’s no secret that Biden has a knack for spinning a good yarn. From his made-up story about an Amtrak conductor to this latest bridge collapse fantasy, he just can’t seem to help himself. Perhaps it’s his advanced age that has clouded his recollection of events. Or maybe he just enjoys playing fast and loose with the truth. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that our commander-in-chief has a penchant for bending the facts to fit his narrative.

It’s not just conservatives who are calling out Biden’s lies. Even PGA Tour golfer Hunter Mahan and liberal personality Sunny McSunnyface agree that the president has a problem with telling the truth. And let’s not forget about former congressional candidate David Giglio, who sarcastically suggested that Biden must have witnessed the bridge collapse during one of his long-haul trucking routes. Ouch.

But hey, why let a little thing like the truth get in the way of a good story, right? After all, Biden has been making up his own reality for the past 50 years, so why stop now? It’s just another day in the life of President Pinocchio.

Written by Staff Reports

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