
Biden Caught Maskless: Hypocrisy Amid Push for Boosters

In a stunning display of hypocrisy, President Joe Biden has once again shown that the rules don’t apply to him. Despite White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre’s claims that the president would be following CDC guidance and wearing a mask indoors, Biden was caught on camera flouting these very guidelines during a recent event.

During the presentation of the Medal of Honor to Army Captain Larry L. Taylor, Biden couldn’t even be bothered to keep his mask on while speaking. He removed his mask and neglected to put it back on, even when standing in close proximity to others. It’s a clear example of “do as I say, not as I do” from the commander-in-chief.

What makes this hypocrisy even more glaring is the White House’s push for COVID boosters. Despite Jean-Pierre’s constant encouragement for Americans to get the booster shots, it seems that the president himself can’t be bothered to follow the CDC’s recommendations on a basic mask-wearing protocol. How can we trust the guidance coming from the White House if the president himself ignores it?

This incident raises valid concerns about the future of mask mandates. With colleges, universities, and even elementary schools once again imposing mask mandates, it’s not a stretch to imagine the White House pushing for more stringent mask requirements in the future. If Biden can’t even follow the current guidelines, it’s worth questioning how much more the American people will be expected to endure.

It’s time for the White House to practice what they preach. If they expect the rest of us to mask up and follow their guidance, they should lead by example. The American people deserve a president who takes their health and safety seriously, not one who flouts the rules whenever it suits him. It’s time for Biden to step up, put his mask on, and show some consistency in his actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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