
Biden Caught Red-Handed! White House Alters Scandal Denial Stories!

In a bombshell revelation, new allegations have emerged surrounding the Biden family enrichment scheme. The evidence is mounting against Joe Biden and his claims of innocence. Two key pieces of reporting have shed light on the situation. First, Margot Cleveland’s story revealed that allegations made by a confidential FBI informant in an FD-1023 form were corroborated but seemingly overlooked by the primary Hunter investigation. This raises serious questions about the credibility of the investigation and its motives. Second, Miranda Devine’s article previewed upcoming Congressional testimony that will expose Joe Biden’s false claim of never discussing or having knowledge of his family’s foreign business dealings. Devine reports that one of Hunter Biden’s close friends and business partners is set to testify that he personally witnessed numerous business-related phone conversations between Joe and Hunter Biden.

It is no surprise that Biden’s defenders will try to dismiss this testimony as the desperate words of a convicted fraudster and criminal. However, former federal prosecutor Andy McCarthy has pointed out that this witness holds significant credibility as he served as Vice Chairman of finance for John Kerry’s failed presidential campaign in 2004. This connection to Democratic politics makes it difficult for Congressional Democrats to attack him as a GOP pawn. The upcoming testimony from this witness will only further undermine Biden’s repeated denials of knowledge or involvement in his family’s business affairs.

The White House has already started reshaping their messaging on this issue. Confronted with previous statements from Joe Biden, the current press secretary uses slippery language to avoid contradicting his previous claims. They try to muddy the waters by changing the definition of what it means to be “in business” with someone. However, Biden’s previous statements left no room for interpretation, making it clear that he lied about his involvement with his family’s business.

These revelations raise serious questions about Biden’s integrity and what else he may be hiding. Did he receive significant payments from overseas sources, as alleged? Did he engage in quid pro quo deals for personal financial gain, as suggested by the FBI informant? The White House refuses to address these questions and attempts to dismiss them with dirty looks and silence. The press is all too willing to play along, with one network show anchor even suggesting that Republicans should move on from this story.

It is important to note that those who dismiss the allegations against Hunter and Joe Biden are the same people who adamantly believed in the debunked ‘Russia collusion’ hoax and dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop as ‘Russian disinformation.’ Their credibility is severely compromised, and their news judgment should be questioned. As more evidence emerges and credible witnesses step forward, it is crucial that the truth is uncovered and justice is served.

Written by Staff Reports

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