
Biden Chokes U.S. LNG Exports—America’s Energy Edge at Risk!

The Biden administration has hit the brakes on U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports to nonfree trade agreement countries. Can you believe it? The administration is caving in to the whining of environmental groups and Democrats in Congress who are getting hot and bothered about the climate impact of energy projects.

This pause, instigated by the administration, is a sneaky move to allow them to update the process for approving new LNG export terminals. Translation: they want to make it even harder for American energy to get out into the world. They claim they need time to evaluate the climate and environmental impacts of exporting a “sizable” amount of LNG. Please, spare us the theatrics. This is just another way for them to push their climate change agenda and stifle American energy dominance.

The administration says this pause will also let them consider the economic and national security impacts of new LNG export facilities. But we all know what that really means. They’ll probably find some excuse to stall and obstruct the approval process, making it nearly impossible for new export terminals to get the green light.

And get this – the Biden administration won’t even give a timeline for this pause! They just expect American energy producers to sit around twiddling their thumbs while the bureaucrats in Washington drag their feet. They say it could take “some months” to update the process before the public even gets a chance to weigh in. Talk about government overreach and red tape.

But hold onto your hats, folks, because here’s the kicker: the United States has become the world’s top LNG exporter, and our capacity is set to double by the end of the decade. That’s right – we’re on top, and the Biden administration wants to slow that down. How patriotic of them.

Not to mention, we’ve been supplying LNG to our allies in Asia and the European Union, especially as they try to fend off Russia’s energy grip. And now, the Biden administration is threatening all of that with their wishy-washy, delay tactics. Can’t they see the bigger picture here?

Meanwhile, Democrats in Congress, led by Sen. Jeff Merkley, are harping on about climate impacts and environmental justice, claiming that the current approval process doesn’t consider these things. It’s just a bunch of hot air. They’ve never rejected an LNG export application on these grounds before, so why the sudden fuss now? Oh, right – it’s an election year. They’ll use any excuse to try and paint the Biden administration as climate heroes when all they’re doing is smothering American energy independence.

Even Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell can see through this charade. He called out the administration’s decision to pause approval of the CP2 export terminal in Louisiana, labeling it a “functional ban on new LNG export permits” in the U.S. And he’s absolutely right. This is just another attack on our affordable domestic energy, and it’s going to hurt American workers and consumers. But what do the climate warriors care? As long as they get to pat themselves on the back for a job well done, they’ll sacrifice American energy security and international influence without a second thought.

Written by Staff Reports

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