
Biden Cornered: GOP Claims Impeachable Meddling in Son’s Probe

House Oversight Chair James Comer and House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan have launched an investigation into President Biden’s alleged interference with his son Hunter Biden’s appearance in the impeachment inquiry. The Republican chairmen are demanding documents from the White House that could reveal if President Biden encouraged his son not to comply with the congressional subpoena.

Comer and Jordan are leading the impeachment inquiry, focusing on Mr. Biden’s potential involvement in his family’s business deals and alleged influence peddling. They assert that the president’s actions could amount to an impeachable offense if it’s found that he tried to hinder the investigation by preventing his son from testifying.

Hunter Biden had previously defied a House subpoena, refusing to show up for a closed-door deposition and insisting on testifying publicly instead. The Republican chairmen are now seeking all communications related to Hunter Biden’s decision to speak to the press and defend himself and his father in light of the subpoena.

Furthermore, the Republicans cited a statement from White House press secretary Karen Jean-Pierre, who implied that President Biden was aware of his son’s intentions to defy the congressional subpoenas. This has fueled suspicions among the Republicans that the president may have orchestrated his son’s defiance of the subpoenas.

The lawmakers argue that President Biden’s narrative regarding his involvement in his son’s business deals has been inconsistent over time, adding to the urgency of their inquiry.

In light of these developments, Comer and Jordan have set a deadline for the White House to produce all relevant documents, emphasizing the need to investigate whether President Biden engaged in a conspiracy to obstruct the congressional proceedings. The Republican lawmakers are steadfast in their pursuit of the truth and are determined to hold President Biden accountable for any potential wrongdoing in connection with his son’s defiance of the subpoenas.

Written by Staff Reports

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