
Biden Cronies Plot Distraction Dance Amid Global Chaos

The White House is at it again, folks! Karine Jean-Pierre, the mouthpiece for the Biden administration, is teaming up with National Security Council coordinator John Kirby for a little chit-chat with the media. They’re trying to distract us from the real issues at hand – wars raging in the Middle East and Europe. 

The Biden administration is planning to send even more aid to Ukraine. They just can’t seem to get enough of sending our hard-earned taxpayer dollars overseas. And on top of that, they’re trying to guilt trip Republicans in Congress for not jumping on board with their reckless spending spree. But thankfully, Republicans are standing their ground and demanding that the administration get its act together on border security before they open up the checkbook again.

So, while the White House and the National Security Council try to spin their web of excuses and distractions, the American people aren’t buying it. We see right through their attempt to divert attention from their failed leadership and misguided priorities.

Written by Staff Reports

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