
Biden Crony Jumps Ship to Swamp Congress

The swamp in Washington D.C. just got a little bit swampier with the announcement of yet another Biden crony set to join the ranks of Congress. Gabe Amo, a top adviser to President Joe Biden and deputy director of the White House Office of Intergovernmental Affairs, resigned from his position to run for Congress in Rhode Island. This comes following the retirement of Rhode Island Democratic Rep. David Cicilline, who served for over 10 years in Congress.

Amo has been working with the Biden administration, promoting their radical leftist policies on legislative initiatives and even trying to exploit mass shootings to push through their anti-gun agenda. A true politician at heart, Amo will be joining several other likely Democratic contenders to take over Rhode Island’s First Congressional District in a special election primary.

It seems that the Biden administration is nothing but a revolving door with his staff members coming and going as they please. But what else can we expect from this radical socialist who wants nothing more than to push his big government agenda on the American people?

Cicilline, who is retiring to head the Rhode Island Foundation, may have been a Democrat, but at least he was a true representative for the people of his district. One can only hope that the voters of Rhode Island see through the Biden administration’s tactics and elect a representative who will truly work for the people, not just for their own political gain.

Written by Staff Reports

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