
Biden Crumbling: Trump Rises, Dems Rebel, Age Woes Escalate

As we’re just months away from the 2024 presidential election, it seems like President Joe Biden is off to a rough start. Not only is he facing potential competition from none other than former President Donald Trump, but even his fellow Democrats are turning against him. And let’s be honest, if your own party is deserting you, things aren’t looking too good.

Multiple recent polls have shown Biden struggling against Trump, including the New York Times/Siena College poll, which even had seasoned political strategist David Axelrod sounding the alarm. Axelrod, who was the chief strategist for President Barack Obama, knows a thing or two about winning elections. And if he’s concerned, we should all be concerned.

It’s not just Axelrod, though. Other polls from CBS News/YouGov and ABC News/Ipsos are also showing bad news for Biden and some glimmers of hope for the Republican Party. This is not the trajectory that Biden, or the Democrats as a whole, were hoping for.

Even Republicans are chiming in on Biden’s presidential woes. Former Governor Larry Hogan of Maryland, who might have his eyes set on a presidential run, made a point on CNN’s “State of the Union” to say that Biden is not the strongest nominee for the Democrats. Ouch. When a Republican is telling you that you should step aside, maybe it’s time to take a long, hard look in the mirror.

And let’s not forget about age. Biden is the oldest president our nation has ever seen, and it’s starting to show. Just recently, he caused concern on Veterans Day when he seemed confused about where to go for a ceremony. When hedge fund manager Bill Ackman saw that clip, he wrote a lengthy post pleading with Biden to not run again. He pointed out that being president is a high-stress job that requires extraordinary judgment and energy, and unfortunately, Biden is falling short in those categories.

Even Axelrod admitted that the age issue is concerning, saying that what Biden is projecting is causing people to worry. And trust me, when your own strategist is saying you’re worrisome, that’s not a good sign. Others within the Democratic Party have also raised concerns about Biden’s age, including Rep. Dean Phillips, who has even mounted a primary challenge against him.

Don’t think that Biden is handling this criticism well, either. He reportedly referred to Axelrod as a not-so-nice word, which just shows his frustration. Rather than addressing the concerns head-on, Biden seems to be lashing out at those who dare question him. Not exactly a sign of a strong leader.

So, as we inch closer to the 2024 election, it’s clear that Biden’s presidency is in trouble. He’s facing challenges from within his own party, struggling against Trump in the polls, and his age and mental acuity are becoming concerning. Maybe it’s time for Biden to seriously consider stepping aside and making way for a candidate who can actually lead our nation effectively. The American people deserve better than what Biden has been delivering.

Written by Staff Reports

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