
Biden Defies Own Staff, Firmly Backs Israel…But For How Long?

President Joe Biden has received praise for his unwavering support for Israel, despite internal resistance within his own administration. After the horrific massacre committed by Hamas on October 7th, Biden immediately issued a strong statement condemning the act and making it clear that Israel has the right to defend itself. Even when false reports emerged that Israel had bombed a hospital and killed hundreds of Gazans, Biden stood firm in accepting the correct information that it was a rocket from Gaza that caused the explosion, and 500 people did not die.

To show his support for Israel, Biden made the historic decision to visit the country during one of its wars, becoming the first American president to do so. This gesture was greatly appreciated in Israel and provided a morale boost to its people. However, Biden faced opposition from his own aides who raised concerns about the security risks and political implications of the trip. Despite the pushback, Biden confidently asserted that the visit was worth doing.

The internal conflicts within the administration raise questions about the influence of dissenters and whether they will continue to advocate for a “both-sides” approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The history of past presidents facing similar challenges shows that standing strong for Israel can yield positive results. President Harry Truman faced resistance when recognizing Israel in 1948, but his decision proved to be the right one. President Lyndon Johnson also faced pressure to remain neutral during the Six-Day War in 1967 but ultimately stood with Israel due to internal dissent. President Richard Nixon’s decision to send arms to Israel in 1973 was met with opposition from the national security establishment, but it played a pivotal role in Israel’s survival during the Yom Kippur War.

President Biden’s support for Israel has caused division within the Democratic Party. While the majority of voters in both parties back Israel, there is a significant portion of Democrats, including the “Squad,” who oppose Israel and even side with Hamas. This has led to a drop in Biden’s overall approval ratings, particularly among anti-Israel Democrats. The president and his administration should not underestimate the threat posed by being seen as supportive of an Israeli ground invasion, as it could impact his reelection prospects.

The recent internal dissent within the administration, including complaints from Arab and Muslim staffers, raises further concerns about Biden’s approach to the crisis. A State Department official even described a “mutiny brewing within State at all levels.” Additionally, the resignation of State Department official Josh Paul over Biden’s pro-Israel decisions highlights the challenges faced by the president.

Biden’s response to these challenges will shape his legacy and the future direction of the Democratic Party. If he withstands the internal pressure and stands strong for Israel, it will signal his commitment to returning his party to its pro-Israel roots. However, if he caves to the progressive anti-Israel voices within his administration, it will demonstrate that the Democrats are more influenced by their progressive wing than popular support for Israel. Only time will tell how Biden handles this delicate situation, but history has shown that standing up for Israel is the right choice.

Written by Staff Reports

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