
Biden DHS Boots Up: Border Agents Must Use Illegal Aliens’ Pronouns!

The Department of Homeland Security has released a memo that is causing quite a stir among Border Patrol agents. The memo, titled “Guide to Facilitating Effective Communication with Individuals who Identify as LGBTQI+,” instructs agents to use “inclusive language” and respect the “preferred pronouns” of illegal aliens. What a load of hogwash!

According to the memo, agents are told to avoid using titles like “Mr.” or “Ma’am,” and to avoid any formal pronouns until they have more information about the individual. What a waste of time! These agents are out there trying to protect our borders and keep our country safe, and now they have to worry about offending someone’s delicate sensibilities.

The Heritage Foundation recently uncovered a similar pronoun initiative at the Department of Health and Human Services. Under this new policy, employees could actually lose their jobs for “misgendering” their co-workers. Can you believe it? We’re talking about punishing people for simply using the wrong pronoun. This is political correctness run amok.

This whole push for “inclusive language” and “preferred pronouns” began with two executive orders from President Biden. These orders were supposedly meant to combat “gender discrimination,” but all they’re really doing is forcing people to speak falsehoods. As Roger Severino, vice president for domestic policy at the Heritage Foundation, rightly pointed out, “HHS and the federal government is requiring its employees to speak falsehoods.”

Enough is enough. It’s time to stop coddling people’s feelings and start focusing on the real issues at hand. Our Border Patrol agents have a tough job to do, and they don’t need this nonsense adding to their already heavy burden. We need to prioritize safety and security over political correctness. It’s time to put an end to this pronoun madness once and for all.

Written by Staff Reports

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