
Biden Dodges Economic Blunders, Blames Profit-Chasing Corps!

President Biden just can’t seem to catch a break with the economy, and yet again, he’s blaming everyone but himself for the sky-high prices Americans are facing. In a pitiful attempt to deflect from his own failures, Biden took to the White House to lecture corporations about lowering their prices. It’s like he’s living in a fantasy world where he thinks companies will just willingly take a hit to their bottom line because he asked nicely.

Let’s break this down, shall we? Biden had the audacity to claim that prices are “too high” and that “times are still too tough for too many families.” Yeah, well, no kidding, Joe! Maybe if you hadn’t been pushing for massive government spending and strangling businesses with regulations, we wouldn’t be in this mess. But of course, that’s too much for Biden to comprehend.

He went on to chastise corporations for not bringing down their prices, even as inflation has come down and supply chains have been rebuilt. News flash, Joe: corporations aren’t in the business of charity. They’re in the business of making money, and your reckless economic policies have only made it harder for them to operate.

Not satisfied with pointing fingers at businesses, Biden took a cheap shot at Republicans, accusing them of wanting to ship jobs overseas. Really, Joe? Last time we checked, it was your buddy Obama who said those manufacturing jobs weren’t coming back. But, hey, why let facts get in the way of a good old-fashioned blame game?

To add insult to injury, Biden had the nerve to boast about “Bidenomics” and claim that the economy is doing well under his watch. Sorry, Joe, but no amount of wishful thinking can change the fact that people are feeling the squeeze at the gas pump and the grocery store. Maybe spend less time patting yourself on the back and more time actually fixing the problem.

And let’s not forget about the skyrocketing inflation rates that have hit Americans where it hurts the most. Thanks to Biden’s economic mismanagement, the average credit card rates have soared to a mind-boggling 27.81%. Yes, you read that right – almost 28%! Not to mention the 30-year home mortgage rates that have shot up from 2.65% to a painful 7-8%. If this is “Bidenomics,” then we’re all in big trouble.

Despite Biden’s feeble attempts to shift the blame, the American people aren’t buying it. A New York Times and Siena College poll found that a whopping 81% of voters rate the economy as “fair” or “poor,” with a majority trusting former President Trump on economic policy over Biden. The numbers don’t lie, Joe, and it’s clear that your economic agenda is a flop.

With 2024 looming on the horizon, Biden is scrambling to salvage his reputation, but his feeble excuses and finger-pointing won’t fool the American people. It’s time for Biden to take responsibility for the mess he’s made and start putting American families and businesses first. But hey, we won’t hold our breath.

Written by Staff Reports

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