
Biden Dodges Full Term Question in PA Amid Declining Support for Harris

President Joe Biden kept his lips sealed when grilled in Pennsylvania about serving a full four-year term if he snags another victory in November – how mysterious! The big question: will he hand over the reins to Vice President Kamala Harris? Well, our president decided to play the silent game on this one.

And speaking of Kamala, only 38 percent of the good ol’ American folks seem to give her a high-five, according to those brainy polling people over at FiveThirtyEight. She might need to shake things up a bit to win over a few more hearts.

Biden made his seventh pit stop in the Keystone State, greeted by supporters who were probably hoping for a snapshot with the man of the hour. But as the cameras clicked, a gutsy reporter popped the big question. “Hey Mr. President, what’s the deal? Full term or handoff to Harris?” The anticipation was thick in the air.

Our dear President Biden, rather than answering the burning question, decided to whip out a playful gesture (or was it him saying, “I’ll keep you guessing!”) pointing to his noggin. When the persistent reporter tried to press for a clearer response, Biden gave him the ol’ stink eye and a snappy comeback. The drama, oh, the drama!

But wait, there’s more drama! Democrat bigwigs are reportedly biting their nails over Biden’s chances in the election against former President Trump. Polls are throwing shade on the Biden administration, with a whopping three-quarters of voters thinking the country is going down a rocky road under his leadership. Ouch, that’s gotta sting!

Recent polls also spill the beans on Biden’s slip in support from certain voter groups that were key to his win in 2020. Independent voters seem to think Biden is more of a threat to democracy than our dear old Trump, suburban women are giving Trump some love in the race, and Hispanic voters are pivoting towards Trump instead of Team Biden. Black voters are also eyeing Trump more, and even the younger crowd seems split between the two heavyweights.

It’s like a political soap opera, folks! So, will Biden bow out at the Democratic National Convention in August and pass the torch? Who knows, but the suspense is killing us! Wendell Husebo from Breitbart News sure has his eyes on the action, keeping us updated on all the political twists and turns. Stay tuned for the next episode of “As the Election Turns!”

Written by Staff Reports

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