
Biden Dodges Questions on Future as Concerns Over Age and Leadership Grow

President Joe Biden faced scrutiny once again for avoiding a press question about his future plans at a recent rally. When asked if he would serve a full four-year term if re-elected, or if Vice President Kamala Harris would take over, Biden responded by making light of the question, asking the reporter if he was okay and mocking him with humor.

At 81 years old, Biden will be nearly 90 years old by the time a potential second inauguration occurs, leading some likely voters to express concerns about his age affecting his ability to effectively lead as president.

A New York Times/Siena College poll indicated that 61 percent of likely voters believe Biden is “just too old” to be an effective president, compared to 42 percent who said the same about former President Donald Trump. Additionally, a Democratic operative revealed panic within the Biden re-election campaign over Trump’s significant lead over the president in the polls just months before the November election.

Furthermore, the polls reflected widespread unease about the direction of the country under the Biden Administration. A majority of both men and women believe the country is heading in the “wrong direction,” and a RealClearPolitics survey found that only 40.5 percent approve of Biden’s job performance while 56.5 percent disapprove. Additionally, Biden’s recent rally at a school gymnasium drew only 1,000 attendees, while previous Trump rallies have attracted ten times that number.

The contrasting attendance between Biden and Trump’s respective rallies reflects a potential lack of enthusiasm for Biden’s leadership and policies. These indicators raise questions about Biden’s ability to garner widespread support and maintain the confidence of the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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