
Biden DOJ Tries to Silence Whistleblower: Desperate Cover-Up or Fear of Truth?

In a shocking turn of events, the Biden DOJ has indicted Gal Luft, a whistleblower witness against the Bidens. But, let’s not be surprised anymore by the Biden administration’s tactics of going after anyone who speaks out against them. It seems they have no shame when it comes to censorship and silencing their critics.

The House Oversight Committee Democrats, of course, wasted no time in trying to use this indictment to discredit the GOP case against the Bidens. But their attempt to spin the situation only backfired and highlighted Joe Biden’s connections to China.

Luft, the indicted witness, was paid by CEFC, a company linked to the Chinese Communist Party. Notably, Hunter Biden claimed that his father, Joe Biden, was present when he demanded payment from a CEFC associate. So, if the Democrats want to accuse Luft of being a spy, then what does it say about the Bidens, who willingly associated themselves with him and a CCP-connected company?

Furthermore, it is curious that the indictment against Luft only surfaced after he went to the FBI in 2019 to express his concerns about Joe Biden and his ties to China. Luft has rightly questioned why the government hasn’t released the transcript of his meeting with the FBI and why Hunter Biden has not been charged for acting on behalf of CEFC, if Luft is being charged under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

This sudden indictment against Luft reeks of a desperate attempt by the DOJ and the Biden administration to go after a whistleblower who has damaging information against the Bidens. It’s a clear abuse of power and another step towards turning America into a banana republic.

Perhaps the Democrats should think twice before talking about Chinese spies, especially considering the cases involving Senator Dianne Feinstein and Representative Eric Swalwell and their alleged connections to Chinese operatives. There have been recent revelations about these cases and the FBI’s apparent politicization, which conveniently halted investigations into those matters.

While the Democrats may have aimed to take down Joe Biden by going after Luft, they are only scratching the surface of the evidence and witnesses against the Bidens. And even under indictment, Luft continues to speak out, proving that they can’t shut him up.

It’s time to hold the Biden administration accountable for their questionable connections and actions. America deserves better than a president who turns a blind eye to his family’s dealings with China and seeks to silence those who dare to speak the truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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