
Biden Donors Linked to Pro-Palestinian Campus Protests

The recent pro-Palestinian protests on university campuses are being linked back to none other than President Joe Biden’s own political donors. That’s right, the folks who filled his campaign coffers are apparently also funding these anti-Semitic gatherings that seem to have everyone scratching their heads.

When questioned about these protests, Biden seemed to straddle the fence, condemning anti-Semitism while also trying to rationalize the actions of those behind the Palestinian cause. It’s like trying to have your cake and eat it too, but also making sure to not upset Aunt Mildred by mentioning that her cake tastes terrible.

The research detectives at NGO Monitor have uncovered some familiar names from the Democratic Party’s deep pockets. George Soros’ Open Society Foundations and other liberal do-gooders have their hands in the cookie jar, or should I say, the protest banner.

Biden’s Department of Justice seems to be turning a blind eye to the civil rights violations happening at these protest hotspots. No investigations, no RICO charges – it’s like the Wild West out there, but with fewer cowboys and more confused politicians.

These mega-donors include some big shots like the Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund. It’s like a who’s who of Democratic moneybags. Maybe Biden is too afraid to rock the boat and upset his donor pals, or maybe he just can’t keep track of who’s who anymore.

In the end, it seems like there’s a political game afoot. The Democrats may be alienating their Jewish voter base by turning a blind eye to these protests. And with swing states hanging in the balance, the stakes seem high. Will Biden choose loyalty to his donors over condemning anti-Semitism? Time will tell, but it’s shaping up to be a real nail-biter in the world of campus protests and political shenanigans.

Written by Staff Reports

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