
Biden Drops Out of 2024 Race as GOP Pushes for 25th Amendment Removal

Joe Biden’s recent announcement that he will not be seeking reelection has sent shockwaves through the Democratic Party, leaving many to wonder how the man who currently sits in the Oval Office managed to arrive at this conclusion. After famously floundering during the June debate against Donald Trump – a spectacle many are still trying to scrub from their memories – Biden’s withdrawal could be viewed as a last-ditch effort to save face, not just for him, but for the Democratic establishment that has been sitting on the sidelines, nervously tapping their watches.

Republican senators, in a rare moment of united frustration with Biden’s leadership, banded together to advocate for the invocation of the 25th Amendment. Senator Eric Schmitt of Missouri boldly led the charge, arguing that if Biden can’t run for the presidency, he shouldn’t be running the country either. It’s a compelling argument, especially considering the number of times Biden has fumbled through basic statements lately. The argument would make perfect sense if it weren’t for the reality that Democrats, with all their horns locked, somehow still thought he was a good choice to represent them.

Schmitt didn’t hold back in his letter, pointing out the “dirty secret” that had been evident to Republicans and many Americans for years – Biden is simply not up to the task of being President, much less running for reelection. This isn’t just about the way he has conducted himself in debates but extends into policy decisions where the results could hardly be deemed satisfactory. Meanwhile, Kamala Harris is lurking in the background, a figure who also leaves many wondering about her capability to step in should things get dire. While Schmitt acknowledges her shortcomings, he cites her ability to perform her duties over Biden’s apparent incapacity, which by itself is a low bar to clear.

A deeper layer of intrigue surrounds the Democratic ethos that has led to this political farce. The insider reports suggest a level of panic among Biden’s allies, who seem to be pulling the strings behind the scenes. It reads like a soap opera: Biden, with his public struggles, was seemingly ambushed by party elites who threatened to force his resignation if he didn’t step back gracefully. Simultaneously, they’ve pushed for candidates behind closed doors, effectively revealing that the Democratic primary process may have been short-circuited by the very people who claim to champion democracy. 


Adding salt to the wound, Schmitt remarked on the absence of a full Cabinet meeting since October 2023, a detail that raises eyebrows about the administration’s decision-making processes. As reports circulate of a neurologist’s visit to the White House, it appears those in the loop are more concerned about the condition of their leader than they are willing to admit. Schmitt took this moment to remind everyone that the founding fathers believed in an “energetic Executive,” a phrase that undeniably rings hollow when describing Biden’s sleepy presidency.

In a pointed jab at Democrats, Schmitt emphasized that it is time for them to own up to the failure of their experiment with Biden. The very elites that pushed him forward now want to scrap him after realizing that their pet project is out of gas. While they maneuver behind the scenes, hoping to replace him with a figure they deem more palatable, the reality remains that they may have underestimated just how blunt the American electorate can be. The question remains: can the Democrats really recover from this debacle, or will they continue to flounder as they navigate the choppy waters of their own making?

Written by Staff Reports

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