
Biden Executive Order May Lead to Surge in Migrant Entries Warns Border Protection Source

In a recent twist of events, it seems like President Biden’s latest executive order might not be as effective as the American citizens hoped for. A top source in Customs and Border Protection spilled the beans, claiming that this new order could lead to more than 2 million migrants entering the United States every year. It’s like opening a door to a swarm of bees and hoping they all just fly away peacefully.

This executive order, titled “A Proclamation on Securing the Border,” sets a threshold for denying asylum applications when daily border apprehensions hit 2,500 or more. But here’s the catch – if the number of apprehensions drops below this mark, it’s a free-for-all-migrants party! The source expressed concerns that this could result in nearly a million migrant apprehensions yearly without any real restrictions on asylum eligibility. It’s like setting a rule but then creating a loophole big enough for an elephant to saunter through.

But wait, there’s more! The source also shed light on the shady business happening at ports of entry, where under the cloak of darkness, nearly another million migrants have found their way in. Sneaking in through the back door has never been so trendy, it seems. These so-called “lawful pathways” are just fancy terms for letting folks in without much scrutiny. It’s like hosting a party and telling everyone, “Come on in, no need to knock, just make yourself at home.”

And if you thought that was all, hold onto your hats because there’s more madness. The source revealed that hundreds, if not thousands, of migrants manage to slip past Border Patrol eyes daily. That’s like trying to catch water with a sieve! The situation is so dire that it’s like playing a never-ending game of hide-and-seek, except the stakes are much higher than just being “it.”

In the midst of these revelations, the source also called out what they deemed as untruths in the executive order. Blaming low migrant crossings in 2020 on Covid restrictions from other countries was labeled a downright lie. Instead, the source credited strict enforcement policies from the previous administration for the drop in numbers. It’s like a game of political ping-pong – blame one side, credit the other, and hope no one notices the contradictions.

So, as the dust settles on this new executive order, the source predicts a potential surge in migrant traffic through less visible channels, leaving the border open but shielded from public view. It’s like trying to hide a mess under the rug – out of sight, out of mind. Let’s just hope this strategy doesn’t backfire like a sneeze in a sandstorm.

In conclusion, the real question remains – will this executive order truly secure the border, or will it merely open up more loopholes for migrants to sneak through? Only time will tell if this new approach is a stroke of genius or a recipe for disaster. But one thing’s for sure, the drama at the border is far from over, and it seems like the plot is only getting thicker.

Written by Staff Reports

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