
Biden Exposed: Archer’s Testimony Reveals Family Secrets & Corruption!

In what can only be described as a bombshell revelation, Devon Archer, the longtime business partner and close friend of Hunter Biden, testified before the House Oversight Committee. And boy, did he drop some major truth bombs! Republicans were quick to pounce on Archer’s assertions, which confirmed what we conservatives have suspected all along: the Biden family is knee-deep in a sordid scheme of enriching themselves while peddling influence. It’s like the “Real Housewives” meets “House of Cards” – only it’s real life!

Of course, the Democrats wasted no time in dismissing Archer’s testimony as a big fat nothing burger. They even reminded their allies in the so-called “news” media to keep quiet about it. Typical. But let’s take a closer look at what Archer actually said, according to the committee’s summary provided by the GOP majority.

First and foremost, Archer admitted that Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company that was paying Hunter Biden millions of dollars, would have gone out of business if it weren’t for the Bidens. That’s right, folks. The brand was so tainted that people would have been too intimidated to deal with Burisma legally. Talk about using your family name for personal gain!

But it doesn’t stop there. Archer confirmed that Joe Biden, now President, was often referred to as “my guy” by Hunter. And surprise, surprise – Joe Biden was present at multiple in-person meetings with Hunter’s shady foreign business associates. From a dinner in Paris to coffee in China, Joe was rubbing shoulders with all the wrong people. And let’s not forget the business dinner in D.C. where a Russian oligarch, Elena Baturina, just happened to be in attendance. Funny how she didn’t make it onto the Biden administration’s public sanctions list, isn’t it?

Now, let’s talk about the fired Ukrainian prosecutor. Burisma executives were so desperate to get rid of him that they constantly pressured Hunter for help from Washington, D.C. And who was the point person on Ukraine at the time? That’s right, Joe Biden, the Vice President of the United States, aka Hunter’s dad. Lo and behold, a phone call was made to D.C., and soon after, the “corrupt” prosecutor was fired. And what do you know? A billion dollars in U.S. taxpayer aid for Ukraine was miraculously unlocked. Coincidence? I think not.

But the icing on the cake is Joe Biden’s repeated denials that he ever discussed his son’s overseas business dealings. Well, turns out, even Democrats are throwing in the towel on that one. Joe was caught red-handed, having numerous conversations and meetings with Hunter’s associates. And what were they discussing? According to the Democrats, it was all just casual chit-chat about the weather. Seriously? Give me a break!

The White House, of course, is working overtime trying to debunk the GOP’s claims, but it’s nothing more than brazen gaslighting. And let’s not forget that career IRS investigators-turned-whistleblowers recently testified that they were forbidden by the DOJ from asking any questions about Joe Biden. Convenient, right? Democrats can’t gather evidence and then use the lack of evidence as “proof” that there’s nothing to see here. Talk about a cover-up!

In conclusion, Archer’s testimony may not have been an earth-shattering smoking gun, but it certainly confirmed Joe Biden’s lies about his knowledge and involvement in overseas business dealings. And let’s not forget about the alleged $10 million bribery scheme. Democrats can spin and spin, but the smoke keeps getting thicker. It’s time to keep digging until we uncover the whole truth about the Biden family’s questionable activities. As they say, where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And the Biden family seems to be engulfed in flames.

Written by Staff Reports

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