
Biden Falters on Israel-Hamas, Puts Politics Over Hostages

President Sleepy Joe Biden just can’t seem to catch a break. In a recent Twitter tirade, he made some grand promises about bringing back hostages from the clutches of Hamas. But let’s be real – the man needs his beauty sleep, so we’re not holding our breath. 


Now, let’s talk about this whole Israel and Hamas situation. It’s like a real-life game of cat and mouse, except the stakes are way higher. While Israel is just trying to defend itself against Hamas and their relentless attacks, Biden is out here cozying up to the terrorists. I mean, come on, Joe, whose side are you really on?

When it comes to standing up against evil, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not messing around. He knows that sometimes you gotta fight fire with fire to put an end to all the madness. But what does Biden do? He starts playing politics, trying to win votes in Dearborn, Michigan by throwing Israel under the bus.

Instead of showing Hamas that America has Israel’s back, Biden decides to hit them where it hurts – by cutting off weapons shipments at a critical moment. Talk about a low blow. And to top it all off, he’s using those poor hostages as pawns in his twisted game of international chess.

It’s clear as day that Biden cares more about pandering to his anti-Israel base than actually bringing those hostages home safely. If he thought it would get him reelected, he’d probably hand-deliver the hostages to Hamas himself. And don’t even get us started on his shady connections with radical groups stirring up trouble on college campuses.

In the end, it’s up to the American people to see through Biden’s smoke and mirrors. We need a leader who stands tall against terrorists, not one who cowers behind excuses and empty promises. It’s time for President Sleepy Joe to wake up and smell the coffee – or better yet, the strong aroma of freedom and justice for all.

Written by Staff Reports

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