
Biden Fans Duped! Pick Trump Over Hitler in Street Quiz Gone Wild

In a recent man-on-the-street interview, the clever and fearless Shaneyy Ricch took to the streets to ask unsuspecting Biden supporters some hard-hitting questions. The results were both shocking and absurd, to say the least.

Ricch first asked the interviewee if they believed Donald Trump was more dangerous than the infamous dictator, Hitler. And to no one’s surprise, the respondent agreed without giving it a second thought. Can you believe that? Comparing a democratically elected president to one of the worst dictators in history! It’s utter madness.

But the mind-boggling responses didn’t stop there. The Biden voter then went on to express their concern about Trump’s potential to become even more dangerous than Hitler, citing his influence and supposed control over guns and weaponry. Talk about jumping to conclusions faster than a kangaroo on Red Bull!

Then, things took a turn for the comically absurd when the voter agreed that the January 6 Capitol protests were somehow worse than the devastating 9/11 and Pearl Harbor attacks. Seriously? It’s as if common sense took a vacation and left reason behind.

Ricch, playing the part of a fellow Biden supporter, proceeded to feed the unsuspecting interviewee a series of fictitious scenarios, supposedly actions taken by Trump, including politically motivated prosecutions and attacks targeting Biden’s family. The response? Agreement, yet again!

The kicker? Ricch finally revealed that all the outrageous claims were actually things that Biden and the Democrats had done to Trump. How’s that for a plot twist? And to top it all off, the interviewee responded by saying that the news gives her anxiety. Give me a break!

It’s astonishing how easily some folks can be led astray by baseless accusations and propaganda. Let’s hope for a day when people wake up from their political slumber and see things for what they really are. Until then, hold onto your hats, folks. The political rollercoaster never seems to come to a complete stop.

Written by Staff Reports

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