
Biden Flip Flops, Resumes Border Wall Construction Despite Past Critiques!

Joe Biden, who once called the border wall a “waste of money” and “not a serious policy solution,” is now ironically building more miles of wall in south Texas. This decision comes after his promises during the 2020 presidential campaign that not one more foot of wall would be built under his administration. It seems like Biden’s stance on the wall is as consistent as an inconstant teenager.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the construction of approximately 20 miles of border wall in Starr County, Texas, which is located across from Mexico’s Tamaulipas. According to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, this area is considered an “area of high illegal entry.” It’s ironic to see Biden taking action on an issue he previously criticized, but I guess it’s better late than never…or is it?

Mayorkas stated that the agency will use the funding allocated by Congress back in 2019 to construct the new border wall. So, not only is Biden going back on his word, but he’s also willing to use taxpayer dollars to do it. Can you say “flip-flop”?

During Trump’s presidency, his administration managed to build approximately 370 miles of border wall, with 80 miles in places where no prior barriers existed. The remaining 290 miles were built to replace old barriers. It’s clear that Trump took border security seriously, unlike Biden, who seems more interested in reversing everything his predecessor accomplished just for the sake of it.

All in all, Biden’s decision to build more miles of border wall showcases his lack of consistency and true concern for national security. It’s time for him to stop playing politics and start prioritizing the safety and well-being of the American people. But hey, who needs a secure border when you can score political points, right?

Written by Staff Reports

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