
Biden Flips on Border, Offers Citizenship Shortcut Amid Election Pressures

Two weeks ago, President Biden pretended to be tough on illegal immigration by slightly closing the border. Now, he’s flipped the script, showing his real intentions by helping illegal immigrants get a shortcut to legal status.

In a blatant attempt to appease the extreme left, Biden announced that illegal immigrants married to the U.S. 
Citizens would find it easier to get citizenship. This comes right on the heels of his so-called tough stance on denying asylum to illegal border crossers; a measure rolled out when polling showed Americans are fed up with the border crisis ahead of the 2024 election.

Biden’s wishy-washy approach to one of the most contentious issues of the upcoming election isn’t fooling anyone. While he tries to pander to both progressives and moderates, his latest move reeks of amnesty, according to the Republicans. In a recent executive order, the White House peddled “lawful pathways” to immigration while still claiming they want border security. It’s a circus act to see how far Biden can stretch before snapping.

Democratic strategist Brad Bannon suggested that Biden was trying to juggle tough border control and humanitarian ideals. Good luck with that! Biden’s attempt to pander to everyone could backfire spectacularly, particularly with voters who recognize this as the crisis it’s become. It starkly contrasts former President Trump, who prioritized strong borders and national security—standpoints that Biden seems to undermine at every turn.

To qualify under Biden’s new plan, illegal immigrants would need to have been in the U.S. for a decade and married to an American citizen since June 17. However, this population was already eligible for green cards by virtue of their marriage, except they previously had to finish part of the process in their home country. This executive order conveniently eliminates that requirement just in time for election season.

Even the media isn’t buying it. Reporters questioned the timing, insinuating that it was an attempt to balance the scales after his border closure policy. Republicans rightfully called it out as an election-year amnesty stunt, predicting it would encourage more illegal crossings. Former ICE acting director Tom Homan warned it would lead to increased marriage fraud, while Miller suggested impeachment could be warranted for the president’s blatant undermining of immigration law.

This disastrous policy change didn’t go through Congress, so brace for a barrage of lawsuits. But the White House, in all its delusion, insists it’s legally solid. For Biden, immigration remains his Achilles heel in the polls, with only 32% approval, according to RealClearPolitics. Voters are leaning Republican on this issue, with many favoring mass deportations.

Even if this latest ploy gains Biden some favor in swing states with large mixed-status households, it remains to be seen if this juggling act will pay off. Ultimately, Biden’s strategy is a gamble that risks alienating more Americans than it attracts.

Written by Staff Reports

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