
Biden Flirts with TikTok, Ignites Conservative Outrage!

President Joe Biden’s campaign is allegedly considering jumping on the TikTok bandwagon to connect with the younger voter crowd. But hold on to your MAGA hats, folks, because the app’s ties to China make this a red flag in the eyes of conservative patriots.

While the Biden team mulls over the idea, some are raising concerns about the Chinese ownership of TikTok and the questionable data storage practices. And let’s not forget the murmurings about the app being a breeding ground for spreading news, or dare we say, fake news. We all know the only fake news is that claim of “moderation” on the platform!

As if that wasn’t enough, TikTok recently came under fire for the viral spread of a letter from none other than Osama Bin Laden. Yes, you read that right. This platform has actually given a voice to a terrorist leader responsible for the 9/11 attacks. And to add insult to injury, some users on the app have actually sympathized with his heinous actions. It makes you wonder which side of history these TikTok users are standing on!

But it doesn’t stop there, folks. The Biden administration seems to be all in on the social media game, even looking to cozy up to influencers. White House officials are apparently holding online briefings for digital personalities on important topics. This is a red flag for anyone who values traditional news sources and believes that decisions should be based on facts, not on the whims of social media influencers.

It’s no surprise that the conservative camp is wary of this move. The idea of TikTok influencers getting their own briefing room in the White House was being tossed around earlier this year, and that alone is enough to make any red-blooded American break out in a cold sweat. Thankfully, that hair-brained idea seems to have been shelved for now, but the fact that it was even on the table is a cause for concern.

So, fellow patriots, buckle up for a potential Biden TikTok takeover, and get ready to defend our young voters from falling down the rabbit hole of Chinese-owned social media. The battle for the hearts and minds of the next generation is on, and it’s a fight we can’t afford to lose!

Written by Staff Reports

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