
Biden Fumbles Again: Can’t Speak Without Notes in Zelensky Meeting!

In a meeting full of stumbling and mumbling, President Biden once again showed his ineptitude and lack of leadership. The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, came to Washington to seek support in the face of Russian aggression, but all he got was a President who couldn’t even speak without reading off note cards.

Biden’s reliance on pre-written notes was painfully evident as he stumbled through his remarks, lacking any conviction or coherence. It’s clear that he doesn’t have a firm grasp on the issues at hand and is simply regurgitating whatever his handlers have prepared for him.

But it didn’t stop there. After delivering his scripted remarks, Biden chose to sit in silence, refusing to engage with the press or answer any questions. It’s clear that he doesn’t have the confidence or ability to hold a meaningful conversation without someone else telling him what to say.

In a truly cringe-worthy moment, a staged video showed Biden and Zelensky taking a choreographed stroll for the cameras before returning to the Oval Office. It was a sad attempt to create a facade of unity and strength, but it only further highlighted Biden’s lack of authenticity.

The Biden administration’s handling of both domestic and international issues continues to come under scrutiny. From the crisis at the southern border to the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, it’s clear that this administration is more concerned with optics than actually getting things done.

It’s disappointing to see a President who can’t even string together a coherent sentence or handle a simple press conference. The American people deserve better than this. We need a leader who is strong, decisive, and actually capable of leading our nation on the world stage. Unfortunately, President Biden is simply not up to the task.

Written by Staff Reports

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