
Biden Fumbles Again: Imaginary Photo Op with MIA Congresswoman

President Joe Biden certainly had a wild ride in North Carolina, folks! During a speech about internet stuff, he totally lost his marbles and claimed he took a picture with a congresswoman who wasn’t even there. Oopsie doopsie, Uncle Joe strikes again!

The President was yakking about broadband internet at some fancy community center when he started yammering on about taking a photo with Rep. Deborah Ross. Spoiler alert, she was MIA! Biden even joked that she must’ve skedaddled after the photo op. Classic mix-up, am I right?

This gaffe is just more fuel for the Republican fire, folks! They’re all giddy to point at this slip-up and holler about how Biden’s lost his touch. Remember how they said he was hiding out in his basement during the 2020 campaign? Oh, they haven’t let that one go! And now, with flubs like these, they’re having a field day.

It’s not just the GOP having a chuckle, though. Even folks on the left side of the aisle are scratching their heads, wondering if Biden’s got what it takes to wrangle the gig. They’re not holding back either, sounding off about how he’s just too dang old for the job. Yikes!

But don’t worry, folks, the White House isn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet. They sent in Vice President Kamala Harris to set the record straight and assure everyone that ol’ Joe is still kickin’ and rarin’ to go for round two. Go get ’em, Kamala!

Written by Staff Reports

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