
Biden Fumbles Again: Nearly Smacks Flag, Shuffles Off Stage!

In a recent display of clumsiness, President Biden nearly caused a disaster by nearly knocking down Brazil’s flag before giving a speech. It’s a good thing he didn’t, because we all know how much Democrats hate patriotism and love appeasing other countries.

But it didn’t stop there. Biden stumbled his way through the speech, relying on note cards the entire time. It’s clear that he can’t even speak without a script. Maybe he should consider hiring a teleprompter to follow him around everywhere he goes.

And let’s not forget the hilarious moment when Biden couldn’t figure out how to work his earpiece. It’s truly remarkable that he’s able to run a country when he can’t even operate basic technology. But hey, at least he did a little jog afterwards, right? Because that’s exactly what we need in a leader.

But the funniest part of it all was when Biden saluted to the audience and then just left the stage, leaving the President of Brazil behind. It’s almost as if he forgot that he was supposed to stay and listen to what the guy had to say. But who needs diplomacy when you can just make a quick exit, right?

It’s no wonder that more and more Americans are questioning whether Biden is too old to be president. According to a recent poll, a majority of Americans, including almost half of Democrats, think he’s past his prime. And yet, the Democrats are still banking on him to defeat Trump in 2024. Good luck with that.

Meanwhile, only a small percentage of Americans think Trump is too old to run again. Maybe that’s because he actually knows how to walk, talk, and use his ears without any issues. Just a thought.

Written by Staff Reports

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