
Biden Fumbles Words Despite Using Note Card in Zelensky Meeting

During Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to Washington, he warned lawmakers about the dangers of cutting military and financial assistance to Ukraine, which would leave the country vulnerable to Russian advances. This caution comes after Zelensky’s strong condemnation of Russian aggression at the UN Security Council. But, leave it to Biden to steal the spotlight with his usual incompetence. The President’s mumbling and reliance on note cards during the meeting made headlines once again. It’s almost comical how Biden struggles to communicate without a script.

The meeting took place in the esteemed Oval Office and was supposed to address the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine while solidifying the United States’ support for Ukraine’s sovereignty. However, Biden’s delivery was far from convincing. The President stumbled through his scripted remarks, lacking any real conviction in his voice. It’s no wonder he chose not to engage with the press afterwards, sitting silently as journalists were quickly escorted out of the room. It seems Biden would rather avoid any questions that might expose his inadequacies.

To add insult to injury, a staged moment was caught on video during Biden and Zelensky’s stroll for the cameras before returning to the Oval Office. It’s hard to believe anything Biden does is genuine these days. The Biden administration continues to face scrutiny for their mishandling of both domestic and international issues. It’s clear that America needs a leader who can communicate confidently and effectively, not someone who relies on note cards and staged photo ops. It’s time for competence in the White House.

Written by Staff Reports

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