
Biden Gets Cold Shoulder From Not-So-Tropical Maui Residents

President Joe Biden’s lack of action and disregard for the residents of Maui is evidence of his indifference towards Americans in need. Despite the devastation caused by the wildfires, Biden has yet to visit the island and offer his support. This has left many residents feeling ignored and questioning why they are being put on the backburner.

One resident, Ella Sable Tacderan, expressed her frustration during a CNN interview, asking why they were being treated differently when they are also Americans. It is a valid question that deserves an answer. Biden’s decision to give “no comment” when asked about the situation further adds to the perception that he simply doesn’t care.

Even if Biden were to visit now, it may be too late for many residents who have been waiting for the government’s assistance. Some residents, like Jay Awan, have even expressed that they don’t want Biden to visit anymore after waiting for so long. It’s clear that Biden’s delayed response has only added to the frustration and disappointment of the Maui community.

To make matters worse, Biden’s proposed one-time payment of $700 to the residents of Maui feels like a slap in the face. Considering the high cost of living in Hawaii, this amount is nowhere near enough to provide adequate relief. It’s a token gesture that does not address the true needs of the community.

Meanwhile, Biden continues to prioritize sending millions of dollars to Ukraine instead of focusing on the needs of his own citizens. This disparity in priorities is concerning and raises questions about where Biden’s allegiances truly lie.

Overall, Biden’s absence and lack of empathy towards the residents of Maui raises serious concerns about his commitment to the American people. It’s a clear example of how his words and actions do not align, and how his administration’s priorities seem to overlook the needs of everyday Americans. The residents of Maui deserve better.

Written by Staff Reports

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