
Biden Gets Cold Shoulder from Obama on Victory Anniversary!

The relationship between President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris is off to a rocky start, much like former President Donald Trump and former Vice President Mike Pence. However, their struggles pale in comparison to the strained relationship between former President Barack Obama and Biden. From the beginning, the Obama-Biden ticket seemed like an odd pairing, more of a marriage of convenience than anything else. Biden, a career politician, never quite fit in with Obama’s far-left agenda.

Adding to the odd couple vibe is the stark contrast in personalities. Obama may have his faults, but he at least has some semblance of a human personality. On the other hand, Biden has all the charisma of a comatose wildebeest. Obama’s carefully crafted and deliberate speaking ability only highlights the stark differences between the two.

Recently, there have been signs that Obama is distancing himself from Biden. In a lavish event in Chicago celebrating the 15-year anniversary of Obama’s 2008 election victory, Obama barely mentioned Biden in his speech. He also failed to offer much praise for the incumbent president during a podcast appearance earlier that day. While Obama’s camp claims the event was non-partisan, attendees reported tensions and a lack of overt support for Biden.

The reason for Obama’s distance is simple: Biden’s presidency is struggling, and Obama’s legacy is at stake. Biden’s failures and lack of accomplishments make it difficult for Obama to publicly support him. It’s hard to point to any tangible aspect of American life that has improved under Biden’s watch, especially when compared to what his predecessor accomplished. Obama is more concerned with preserving his own legacy than supporting a failing presidency.

This cold and distant relationship between Obama and Biden is certainly concerning for the current president. If the leader of the Democratic Party isn’t even acknowledging Biden or his presidency, it raises serious doubts about his ability to lead. It’s a bad sign when the supposed patriarch of the party has little to say about the current administration.

Written by Staff Reports

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