
Biden-Harris Border Policies Turn Every State Into a Border State Burdening Taxpayers and Safety

Under the Biden-Harris administration, every state has effectively turned into a “border state.” This is not just a catchy phrase but a harsh reality, with American citizens paying the price for open border policies that have made the country less safe. The rise in preventable crimes is alarming, with an influx of individuals on terror watch lists caught at ports of entry, signaling a ticking time bomb for potential major attacks. Small towns are witnessing a surge of newcomers, and the financial burden of housing, healthcare, and other services is being shouldered by hardworking taxpayers. The ramifications of unchecked illegal immigration extend far beyond what is often reported.

Congressman Dan Goldman recently provided a masterclass in liberal double-talk while speaking to NewsNation, attempting to explain the Democratic position on illegal immigration. When pressed about Vice President Harris’s previous support for decriminalizing illegal border crossings, he danced around the issue, failing to acknowledge the seriousness of a policy that amounts to an open invitation for anyone to enter the country without consequence. His attempt to differentiate between “having consequences” and simply decriminalizing border crossings raised eyebrows, as it glossed over the implications for national security and public safety.

Goldman clung tightly to the argument that the Biden-Harris administration is committed to a “welcoming process,” implying that all that is needed is a bit of organization at the border. He tried to convince the public that the Democrats are merely striving for an orderly immigration system that allows legitimate asylum seekers to enter the country, which conveniently ignores the facts on the ground. This assertion stands in stark contrast to the reality of rampant crime and taxpayer-funded assistance to individuals who may not have legitimate claims for asylum.

The narrative that the Trump administration’s policies were only about deportation is a blatant oversimplification. It’s presented as if the previous administration was hellbent on keeping the country “white,” which is not only misleading but entirely disingenuous. The Trump policies were rooted in national security and economic prudence rather than race. The selling point for GOP immigration reform has always been focused on law, order, and responsible governance, but that’s not a message that resonates with the current Democratic leadership.

Pending this debate, it’s clear that the divide between the two parties reflects deeper concerns about safety, identity, and the rule of law in America. While the Democrats scramble to push forward their immigration narrative framed as compassion, the actual circumstances reveal a border in chaos, communities strained under unexpected pressures, and a clear demand from conservative America for policies that value security and legal immigration above all else. The upcoming discussions will undoubtedly serve as fertile ground for conservatives to sharpen their critiques and highlight the stark contrasts in priorities between the parties.

Written by Staff Reports

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