
Biden Harris Face FEC Scrutiny Over $96 Million Campaign Fund Transfer

The Federal Election Commission has found itself in a surprisingly familiar scenario: Democrats potentially playing fast and loose with campaign finance laws. Citizens United, alongside a bevy of state Republican Party chapters, has filed a complaint against President Biden and Vice President Harris that would make any tax collector proud. This one involves a whopping $96 million in campaign funds that vanished into thin air, or rather, into the vaults of the Harris for President campaign.

The complaint is grounded in the revelation that, on July 21, just hours after Biden decided to wave goodbye to his 2024 aspirations, he transferred his impressive $96 million war chest to Vice President Kamala Harris. All this was apparently made possible thanks to a little sleight of hand on some FEC paperwork that switched the campaign’s name from Biden’s to Harris’s. Who knew that losing a campaign could become a windfall for the person who stood by as a briefcase of cash spun like a Wheel of Fortune contestant?

What is most amusing yet alarming is that Biden didn’t bother to file any paperwork to officially indicate he was pulling out of the race—a minor detail, perhaps, but one that clearly points to a disregard for the laws that all candidates are supposed to uphold. Meanwhile, Vice President Harris was busy making her exit from the vice-presidential re-election bid official, leaving a trail of questions over why one-half of the ticket could simply disappear without a trace. It’s a classic case of “one will play by the rules, and the other will just wing it.”

The complaint goes on to assert that Harris has now become the proud steward of funds originally collected for Biden’s presidential campaign, raising eyebrows and concerns about whether this transfer constitutes a hefty violation of federal election laws. Election laws exist for a reason, and while Democrats appear to be swiping funds like they’re on a spending spree at a clearance sale, Republicans are keen to ensure that such monetary gymnastics don’t slip through the cracks.

The allegations have drawn the attention of the FEC and spurred conversations that party loyalty could be crumbling under the weight of compliance with the law. FEC Chairman Sean Cooksey has found himself facing intimidation tactics from Democrats simply for questioning the legality of this financial handoff. One wonders if they would treat him with the same hostility if he were advocating for some sort of lawlessness; it seems that rules are only inconveniences when they don’t play into the liberal agenda.

As the dust settles, it remains to be seen whether the FEC will actually conduct a review of these serious allegations. In the meantime, the eyebrow-raising transfer of almost $100 million becomes the latest episode in the ongoing soap opera known as the Biden Administration. It’s a world where legalities often bend towards convenience, but this could be one twist too many for even the most brazen of political theatrics.

Written by Staff Reports

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