
Biden, Harris Tackle Iranian Threat in High Stakes Situation Room Meet

President Biden is gearing up for a high-stakes meeting in the Situation Room Monday afternoon, and it seems the main agenda item is a little thing called national security. Whispers in the corridors of power suggest that an Iranian attack on Israel could be just moments away, which is certainly not what America needs right now—unless, of course, heightened tensions were somehow a part of this administration’s plan.

Joining Biden will be Vice President Kamala Harris, who, while contemplating her own political future (since her current role just isn’t keeping her busy enough), will still somehow manage to squeeze in a bit of international crisis management. Perhaps between discussions of running mate possibilities and campaign schedules, they’ll find time to address the brewing storm with Iran and their militant buddies over in Lebanon.

As the clock ticks closer to an anticipated Israeli attack that could happen as soon as Monday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken is taking on the role of diplomatic overseer. He recently warned fellow leaders of the Group of Seven that Iran and its buddy Hezbollah are gearing up for some coordinated chaos aimed at Israel. It’s amazing how friendships like that can lead to all sorts of trouble—who knew?

In the aftermath of recent escalations, Blinken made it clear that he will be putting pressure on these two groups to avoid a full-blown war. Whether that will result in anything other than a slap on the wrist remains to be seen, but it reflects a refreshing dedication to playing diplomatic whack-a-mole. This approach has worked wonders in previous international situations, right? Oh wait, it hasn’t.

Adding to the mix, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin had a heart-to-heart with his Israeli counterpart, reiterating U.S. support for the Jewish state. As tensions rise like a balloon slowly heading for the ceiling, this show of solidarity comes after Israel’s recent retaliation against specific Iranian and Hezbollah leaders in the wake of ongoing conflicts. But with a few dozen Hezbollah rockets hitting Israel and claiming innocent lives, one can’t help but wonder if the administration’s strategy in the region is as solid as a wet paper bag. Anyone still betting on a peaceful resolution?

Written by Staff Reports

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