
Biden Impeachment: House Finally Acts on Border Crisis Catastrophe!

On Thursday, the House of Representatives took a long overdue move to impeach President Joe Biden. As expected, the impeachment resolution, submitted by Representative Lauren Boebert, was forwarded to the Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees after garnering a 219-208 vote. The resolution accuses Biden of committing high crimes and misdemeanors, a standard set by the Constitution for impeachment.

The H. Res. 503 has been long due, as President Biden has been repeatedly violating federal immigration laws by implementing an extreme open-borders agenda. Biden knowingly released more than 2 million undocumented immigrants into the country without ensuring they appear in immigration court. His administration has been facilitating an invasion at the southern border, closing detention facilities, and refusing to cooperate with state and local law enforcement in border security. On top of that, the President has allowed asylum seekers to enter the US, even knowing that they do not qualify.

The impeachment resolution contains two articles of impeachment, alleging President Biden is guilty of abuse of power and dereliction of duty. Both articles detailing his misconduct against America are valid, especially since his actions have endangered the security, health, and safety of the American people.

In Article I, President Biden is accused of abusing the powers of his presidency. His disregard for federal immigration laws has allowed an unprecedented influx of illegal immigrants to the country. He has knowingly released undocumented immigrants, which is a clear violation of the law. His policies have enabled human trafficking, drug smuggling, and violent crime at an unprecedented level.

In Article II, President Biden is accused of neglecting his constitutional duty to enforce the nation’s immigration laws and secure the southern border. He has endangered the lives of Americans and allowed control of the border to fall to criminal cartels, making America unsafe. Biden has let illegal immigrants enter the country unchecked, which is a severe threat to the lives and safety of American citizens.

The review by the Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees will evaluate the evidence presented in the resolution. If the House of Representatives votes in favor of one or both articles, the President will be impeached. This will initiate the proceedings of debate and vote on each article of impeachment. If convicted in the Senate, President Biden will be removed from office, and rightfully so. The country cannot afford to have its Constitutional laws ignored and trampled upon.

It’s time for Americans to unite and hold President Biden accountable for his misconduct. It’s not about political affiliations, but rather about ensuring that the rule of law prevails in this great nation. The impeachment resolution sends a clear message that no one is above the law, and that includes the President of the United States.

Written by Staff Reports

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