
Biden Impeachment Looms as GOP Unravels Weiss’ Puppet Show

The lazy days of summer are coming to an end, but House Republicans are gearing up for an exciting and necessary task—impeachment proceedings against Joe Biden. It’s not that they wanted to do this, mind you. No, it was Attorney General Merrick Garland who pushed them into this corner by appointing David Weiss as a “special counsel” for the Hunter Biden investigation.

Let’s talk about Weiss for a moment. He’s the same US attorney who got shut down when he tried to file charges against Hunter Biden. And guess what? He conveniently let some serious tax violations slide because, well, who needs justice when there are blatant political agendas to uphold? It’s clear that this investigation is anything but “special” since Weiss is not an independent party but rather a puppet on a string.

What’s even more infuriating is that this investigation conveniently shields Joe Biden from any legal trouble related to his son’s sketchy business deals. Isn’t that just swell? And to top it off, Weiss won’t have to testify before the House Oversight Committee, which means that the truth of the matter will remain buried under a pile of political maneuvering. It’s like a riddle wrapped in an enigma, wrapped in obfuscation.

Even some liberal pundits are scratching their heads, wondering why Garland didn’t just follow the regulations and appoint someone impartial who could conduct a thorough investigation. But that would make too much sense, wouldn’t it? Instead, we’re left with Weiss chasing after crimes that have dwindled due to the long delays in prosecution. It’s like going hunting for geese in Canada during the summer—you dress up, you aim, and you shoot, but the geese are long gone. What a farce!

Now, thanks to Garland’s actions, Congress will struggle even more to pry answers out of Weiss. He can hide behind the ongoing special counsel investigation and conveniently use the eventual special counsel report to justify his own actions while conveniently sweeping any potential crimes under the rug. It’s a perfect defense strategy, if you ask me.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration is playing hard to get, refusing to share important information with the House, including records held by the National Archives. Who needs transparency when you can keep the public in the dark, right? It’s just one more way they’re avoiding accountability.

For months, conservative House members have been mulling over the possibility of impeaching the President. But I’ve urged them to do it right—no snap impeachments, no rushing through the process without facts. We must learn from the mistakes of the House Democrats. However, Garland has left them no choice but to take this drastic step.

With all the roadblocks created by the Weiss appointment and Garland’s refusal to expand the special counsel’s mandate to include the allegations of Biden family influence-peddling, an impeachment inquiry seems to be the only option left. The power of the House is at its strongest when carrying out its duties under the impeachment clause, and it’s time for Republicans to wield that power.

So, Mr. Speaker, the ball is in your court. The American people are watching, and they deserve to know the truth. It’s time to get to the bottom of this mess and hold those responsible accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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