
Biden Implements Immediate Border Shutdown to Halt Illegal Immigration

President Biden announced on Tuesday that he is taking a tough stance on the issue of illegal immigration at the southern border. He plans to put an end to the cycle of catch-and-release by implementing a broad shutdown, effective immediately.

The president’s move echoes some of the measures used by former President Trump to address border security, which President Biden had previously discarded. He is issuing a proclamation to suspend the entry of migrants who cross the border unlawfully. The Department of Homeland Security and the Justice Department will also be implementing new rules to limit these migrants’ ability to claim asylum.

The goal is to expedite deportations and deter people from attempting to enter the United States illegally. An administration official emphasized that the objective is to secure the border while still upholding legal immigration in line with the nation’s values.

However, some critics, like Senator Ted Cruz, view the announcement as a political move, suggesting that it is designed to address election-year concerns.

Since President Biden took office, it is estimated that approximately 5 million new illegal immigrants have crossed the border and settled in the United States. The majority of them were caught and knowingly released, while others entered undetected.

The White House has specified that the border shutdown will remain in effect until the daily encounters with illegal immigrants decrease to below 1,500 for at least a week. This action utilizes broad powers granted to the president under the Immigration and Nationality Act.

The new policy is expected to face legal challenges from immigrant rights advocates, similar to the legal battles that occurred during the Trump administration. Despite this, the administration is prepared to defend the policy in court.

Furthermore, the speedy deportation policy will not apply to unaccompanied children who arrive at the border without a parent. Additionally, migrants will still be screened for certain protections even if they do not qualify for asylum, indicating a degree of leniency in the enforcement of the rules.

The administration acknowledged that they may encounter difficulties in handling the influx of migrants, particularly those arriving from distant countries. They hope that the ability to swiftly deport individuals will dissuade potential migrants from making the journey, altering their cost-benefit calculation.

President Biden’s timing for implementing these measures is seen as significant, given the potential for increased migration over the summer months and the political implications. The issue of immigration and border security has been a major concern for voters, with President Biden receiving criticism for his handling of the matter.

The plan also involves taking steps to prevent extra-continental migrants from reaching North America, such as blocking visas for individuals involved in smuggling and placing limits on members of certain governments that profit from facilitating migrant transit to the U.S.

In response to the announcement, some Republicans argue that the actions are insufficient and overdue. They question why similar measures were not taken earlier to address the escalating situation at the border.

Overall, President Biden’s plan to tighten immigration policies and prevent illegal border crossings has sparked mixed reactions, with supporters applauding the measures as necessary for national security, while critics remain skeptical about the effectiveness and timing of the actions.


Written by Staff Reports

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