
Biden Kowtows to Hamas Sympathizers, America Gapes in Shock

President Biden Under Fire for Apologizing to Muslim-American Leaders

The White House was on the hot seat on Monday as it refused to confirm whether President Biden said sorry to prominent Muslim-American leaders for daring to question the Palestinian death toll reported by a Hamas-controlled organization.
When pressed for an answer on whether Biden offered an apology, White House national security spokesman John Kirby dodged the question like a pro, saying he wouldn’t spill the beans on the president’s private meetings. Classic government secrecy at its finest, folks!

During an Oct. 25 rendezvous with five Muslim American leaders, Biden reportedly ate some humble pie and groveled for his comments questioning the accuracy of the Palestinian death count reported by the Gaza Ministry of Health, which is basically a puppet of Hamas. “I’m disappointed in myself,” Biden apparently whined to the group, promising to “do better,” as reported by The Washington Post. Well, it looks like someone’s been taking notes from a first-grade apology playbook!

A day prior to this cringe-inducing spectacle, Biden threw fuel on the fire by questioning the legitimacy of the casualty figures in Palestine, arguing it wasn’t clear if they were accurate because, you guessed it, Hamas is a certified terrorist organization. Talk about stating the obvious, Mr. President!

He went on to boldly declare, “I have no notion that the Palestinians are telling the truth about how many people are killed.” The nerve of this guy! He also acknowledged that innocents have been killed, but apparently thought it was just the cost of doing business in war. Hey, at least he’s being upfront about his callousness, right?

In true “two-faced” fashion, Biden has been trying to have his cake and eat it too, claiming he backs Israel, while also urging restraint and humanitarian aid for Gaza. It’s like watching a tightrope walker try to balance on a string made of rubber bands – you just know it’s not going to end well.

Unsurprisingly, this flip-flopping has irked members of his own party, with some top Democrats and their supporters giving him a piece of their mind. The pressure has been so intense that Biden has reportedly been getting an earful from his own staff to come up with a plan to minimize casualties in Gaza. Looks like someone forgot that actions speak louder than words!

The cherry on top of this whole debacle? Biden was seen hugging one of the attendees at the end of the meeting with the Muslim-American leaders. What’s next, a group sing-along of “Kumbaya”? This whole show of sympathy is enough to make anyone roll their eyes.

At the end of the day, it seems like Biden wants to have it both ways – trying to please everyone without taking a firm stand. But sorry, Mr. President, you can’t have your cake and eat it too, especially when lives are at stake.

Written by Staff Reports

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