
Biden Losing Grip on Young Black Voters: Is the Dem Party Doomed?

President Joe Biden’s popularity among young black voters is plummeting, and even the liberal media can’t deny it. CNN host Phil Mattingly was left speechless when he heard a young black voter in Milwaukee express uncertainty about supporting Biden for re-election. It’s a clear indication that the Democratic Party is losing touch with this important demographic.

In an interview with a canvasser for Black Leaders Organizing for Communities, the voter, Devonta Johnson, didn’t hold back his doubts about Biden’s ability to win re-election. This response shocked Mattingly and exposed the growing disillusionment among young black voters. It seems that Biden’s empty promises and lack of action on the issues that matter most to black communities have not gone unnoticed.

The fact that a 21-year-old black man in the activist community is unsure of who to vote for speaks volumes about the lack of relevance Washington has in his life. This young voter sees through the empty rhetoric and realizes that Biden and his administration have done nothing to improve his circumstances. Can we blame him for feeling disconnected from a government that has failed him?


Polling has consistently shown a decline in support for Biden among black Americans, particularly the younger generation. The Democratic Party’s inability to connect with this demographic is striking and concerning. They have taken the black vote for granted for far too long, assuming that they will always have their support. It’s a dangerous assumption that could cost them in future elections.

This trend is not limited to Biden alone. Even former President Donald Trump has made significant inroads with black voters. A Quinnipiac University poll revealed that Trump could capture up to 25% of the black vote, a major shift that hasn’t been seen in decades. It’s not just Trump either; multiple Republican candidates for the 2024 primary are gaining support from black voters.

The key to winning over black voters, as one Milwaukee voter pointed out, lies in creating opportunities and bringing back jobs. Unfortunately, the Democratic Party’s policies have failed to deliver on these fronts. When jobs vanish and opportunities fade, people understandably become disillusioned. It’s a simple equation: if you want votes, you need to provide tangible results.

The Democratic Party should take this wake-up call seriously. They can no longer rely on rhetoric and promises to win over black voters. Actions speak louder than words, and the lack of action from the Biden administration is causing voters to question their loyalty. Unless the Democrats change their approach and prioritize the needs of black communities, they will continue to lose support from this crucial voting bloc.

Written by Staff Reports

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