
Biden Misfires: Targets ‘Assault Weapons’ After UNLV Handgun Tragedy

President Joe Biden wasted no time in using the tragic UNLV handgun attack as an opportunity to push for his favorite agenda item: an “assault weapons” ban. Nevermind the fact that the details of the attack, including the shooter’s identity and the type of gun used, were not known at the time of his statement. Biden just couldn’t resist the urge to jump on his soapbox and demand that Congress take action.

In his statement, Biden called on Republicans to join Democrats in banning assault weapons, enacting universal background checks, and implementing other so-called commonsense measures. It’s the same tired narrative we’ve heard over and over again from the left. But here’s the thing: none of these proposed laws would have prevented the UNLV attack or any other similar tragedy.

What we really need is a focus on mental health and addressing the root causes of violence. But Biden and his liberal pals would rather virtue signal with their empty rhetoric than actually do something that might make a difference. It’s all about political theater for them.

This is just another example of Biden using a tragedy to push an agenda that has nothing to do with the actual problem at hand. It’s shameful and predictable. But hey, at least he got some good PR out of it, right? That seems to be all that matters to him.

Written by Staff Reports

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