
Biden Misrepresents Israel Tactics, Pushes for Its Downfall?

President Joe Biden is now pressing Israel to slow down its campaign against Hamas, a move that many find perplexing. This decision is not only absurd, but it also represents a risky caving in to the Democratic Party's anti-Israel faction. Biden is jeopardizing the safety and security of not just Israel but the entire region by promoting the lie that Israel is indifferent to the lives of common Gazans.

In essence, the push to move the battle into a "lower intensity" phase is a request to give up on eliminating Hamas and give the terrorist organization time to reorganize and become stronger. Although Israel has the right to defend itself and protect Palestinian citizens, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin attempted to downplay this message by pointing out that Israel has been doing so since the beginning. Even though Hamas deliberately places civilians in danger, the Israeli Defense Forces have made every effort to reduce the number of civilian casualties.

The media has made a great effort to portray Israel's activities in a negative light, in spite of the IDF's best efforts. False claims have been made by networks such as CNN claiming Israel is employing unguided munitions, which are more likely to endanger civilians. But even CNN eventually acknowledged that Israel is employing these missiles with the same caution and accuracy as guided munitions. It is quite concerning that President Biden has repeated these untrue assertions and has even threatened to cut off financing for Israel.

It's obvious that President Biden is caving in to the left-wing of his party's anti-Israel sentiments. By doing this, he is endorsing and bolstering a false narrative that has been propagated by a terrorist group and others who support it inside the US. This choice jeopardizes the viability of the Jewish state in addition to lacking moral courage. It is depressing to see the president put political expediency ahead of the safety and security of a crucial ally while Israel battles for its survival.

Written by Staff Reports

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